Here are some important things to remember that will help us all to have a better Bikram Yoga experience.
- Arrive early. We cannot admit latecomers, as it disrupts the rest of the class. But please don’t go into the yoga room until the previous class has left.
- Sign in when you get to class.
- Turn off cell phones and please refrain from using them in the lobby or lockers rooms.
- Leave shoes in the designated area. No shoes in the yoga room or locker rooms.
- Only bring your mat, towel, and water into the classroom. All other belongings can be kept in a locker or left in your car.
- Please shower earlier in the day or use our showers to rinse off before class. Do not use perfume, cologne, or scented oils.
- Respect the yoga room as place for meditation and practice, keep your conversations to a minimum.
- Make sure your water bottle has a lid and is not made of glass.
- After the class is over, please leave the yoga room within 15 minutes, so the next class can come in and prepare.
- Return your rented mats and towels to the appropriate hampers in the locker room.
- Save your spa rituals for home! =) Limit your showers to a few minutes so everyone has a chance to quickly rinse off before leaving the studio.
- Wash your mat regularly and use a yoga mat spray to disinfect it and keep it fresh.
- If you practice daily, consider getting a second mat so you can alternate; and be sure you have adequate clothing.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email, or chat with us before or after class.